Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Three Smiles

Do any of you realize how difficult it is to get three kids to look at the camera and smile all at the same time? Well, I can tell you, it's not easy! This picture was taken a couple of weeks ago, and I haven't been brave enough since then to try to set them all up again. We are getting portraits made at the end of the Summer, and I am starting to pray NOW that it goes well. Everyone say "CHEESE"!

1 comment:

melissa s. said...

oh man, it's impossible even with just two kids -- i'm amazed that you got all 3 of them in the same shot! we're starting now for Christmas!

Service to Our Country

Today is Veteran's Day, and it brings back memories of when Eric & I met while we were serving our country at Misawa Air Base, Japan...