Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Where did we go?

I know, I know...everyone wants to know why I haven't blogged since December. Well, with the "extra" wheels, I'm finding out that I have a lot less time at home to sit in front of my computer! We have been "out and about", going places almost every day, and having a blast! We have been to the Zoo, the Mall of America, and our 2nd "home away from home" is now the Lakeville Library! We can make it to all of our church activities on time (or even early), and I don't have to worry about Eric's work schedule anymore! It has been great! As for blogging, I would like to record Christy playing the piano, or Becca reading from her Primer, but the sound quality on our camera is not good, and everything sounds distorted. I promise to post some "still" pictures soon! ;-)

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Service to Our Country

Today is Veteran's Day, and it brings back memories of when Eric & I met while we were serving our country at Misawa Air Base, Japan...