Thursday, September 2, 2010

Spring Cleaning in the Fall

Since we are starting school on September 7th, I decided that this week would be a good week to get the house really organized and clean. I started on the kids' rooms, since they were in the worst shape. It took a couple of days, but now almost everything is back in order. All the game pieces and puzzle pieces have been found, the playsets have been reunited with their people and animals, and just about all the missing toys have been found. The books are all vertical again, and set up in a way so that the Titles can be easily seen. The "real" clothes have been separated from the dress-up clothes, and put in their proper places. We boxed some items up to give away, and we also threw away broken or otherwise useless toys. It feels so good to get this type of cleaning done! I know that it will help with everyone's attitudes, especially when we get cooped up for months at a time during the Winter.

Here is the girls' room. They did help, so I can't take ALL the credit! ;-)

Here is the boys' room, although Daniel will not be sleeping in here until we get a bunk bed or trundle bed:


Anonymous said...

WoW....Nice job girls. The rooms look great.

Love Ya, Grandpa JC

Anonymous said...

Please come to Seattle where you can fine tune your
Uncle T

HI Grandpa JC

Service to Our Country

Today is Veteran's Day, and it brings back memories of when Eric & I met while we were serving our country at Misawa Air Base, Japan...