Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Belated Christmas Gift

Eric surprised me with a slightly belated Christmas gift this year...he bought me a mini-van! I'm so excited about it! It is very nice, and it is my favorite color: forest green! We have been talking about doing this for a while, but we didn't think it was a necessary purchase until just recently. We found out that Eric is going to be working a lot of crazy hours because he will be covering for his co-workers who are having to take three weeks off this upcoming quarter. Crazy hours are hard for planning activities such as piano practice, church, Master Club, Kids' Club, swim lessons, etc. Now, we don't have to wait for Eric to get home from work to be able to go to all of those activities! I'm looking forward to Library trips, Zoo trips, Museum trips, and other field trips to enrich our education! Also, the kids are relieved to not be squished like sardines anymore in the backseat of our Taurus! ;-)


Anonymous said...

What a cool Christmas present. I am sure you will really enjoy the extra wheels.
Granma Becky

Julie said...

Wow, that is exciting. I knew you were thinking about it, but didn't know you were doing it right now. Too bad the weather is bad and you can't drive it right away:( Have fun and I'm sure we'll see you soon.

Anonymous said...

It is about time. Good job kids. I am sure it will make life a little easier when you are making plans for the weeks ahead.

Grandpa & Karma

Anonymous said...

happy mini-vanning!!

Service to Our Country

Today is Veteran's Day, and it brings back memories of when Eric & I met while we were serving our country at Misawa Air Base, Japan...