Friday, January 16, 2009

Picnic in the Snow!

As you may have read in the news, Minnesota decided to let some cold weather in this week. Here is a snapshot of the temperature one morning when Eric got home from work.

We weren't going to let the cold weather get us down though, so we decided to go on a family picnic to a "nice park." The girls set up the living room with flowers, animals, and other woodland creatures. There was even a pond we went "fishing" in after lunch. It sure was a breath of fresh air!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

-24, really? I will never complain about +24 again. I promise! What a fun picnic!Stay warm!

Service to Our Country

Today is Veteran's Day, and it brings back memories of when Eric & I met while we were serving our country at Misawa Air Base, Japan...