Wednesday, February 23, 2011

4-D Ultrasound

Here are some scans of the twins from my 4-D Ultrasound on Friday. They were 19 weeks at the time of this scan. 4-D Ultrasounds give a better full-body representation of the babies, but they aren't an "exact copy" of what the babies really look like. It is more of an impression, so they will look a little strange and lumpy, but I think they are still cute! The ultrasound showed that they are perfectly formed, with no physical problems, other than a minor size discrepancy and the abnormal fluid levels. I have another ultrasound today to check fluid levels since the procedure, and hopefully they are still within the normal range. The procedure I had to go through was not pleasant, and I do not wish to repeat it. I hope they learned their lesson and will start sharing equally! ;-)

1 comment:

Gramma Becky said...

WOW!!! The technology is amazing! And the babies are beautifully and wonderfully made by our merciful God. May He answer our fervent prayers for healthy perfect grandsons!!

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