Wednesday, October 26, 2011


As a part of "My Father's World" curriculum, the kids were issued passports to record "entries" and "departures" from different countries. We are having fun with our first "trip" to Mexico! We have been reading about the country and culture, listening to music appropriate for that country (even a Mariachi band!), planning art activities, and cooking authentic Mexican meals! So far, we have made burritos with guacamole sauce and chopped tomatillos, quesadilla casserole, and homemade tamales with cornbread! Today we are planning on making homemade tortillas and chicken fajitas! It has been easy to integrate so much cooking into this week, since I didn't schedule our "regular" online school, so that the kids would have more time to spend with their Grandpa who is visiting from Oregon. What a fun week!
Hasta Luego! ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful idea and to actually visit some day would be fantastic. Keep up the adventure, hugs and kisses.
Uncle Todd

Homecooked Breakfast

Sourdough Pancakes!